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Domain Registration
Domain Registration is the process of acquiring a domain name from a domain name registrar. A domain name is the unique web address that identifies a website on the Internet (e.g., example.com) and allows people to find and remember your website. Domain Registration involves reserving a domain name for a specific period, usually one year. When you register a domain, it becomes yours during that time frame. To keep the domain, you must renew it before it expires. Unfortunately, there’s no way to purchase a domain name forever; it’s an ongoing process. In summary, domain registration is a crucial step in establishing your online presence. Once you secure a domain, it becomes your digital address on the web.
Usually, domain names consist of a website name and a domain name extension (e.g., example.com, in this domain name “example” is the website name and “.com” is the domain name extension). A good domain strengthens your branding and helps your audience find your website. Getting a domain name is one of the most vital steps in building a website.
The original gTLDs (generic top-level domains) “.com, .net and .org” are still number one. These names have worldwide recognition and are still in demand. Hurry up! The top-level domains are being run out very fast. Get started today and reserve your own domain names before someone else does it.
Domain Registration Prices :
Domain Name
New Domain / Renewal / Transfer
Sr. No
1 Year
2 Year
$ 26.5
General Business, Or Individual
$ 29
Network Related Business
$ 26
Non-Profit organizations
$ 31.5
General Business, Promotional
$ 34
For Professional, An Expert In Their Field
$ 34
For informational Websites
$ 39
Services To Mobile Devices
$ 25
Domain Name For Individual
$ 54
Powerful Domain Name For All Types Of Businesses
$ 47
Intended For Online Shops, As Well As Offline Retailers
$ 22
.Pw (Professional Web) online identity for Professionals
General Second Level Domains without .com.pk Suffix
General Business, or Individual
Network Related Business
Non-profit Organizations
Family and Individuals
General Business, Promotional
Web Sites
Educational Institutes (require educational affiliations)
Academic & Educational (Accreditation not required)
Foreign Currency Transaction Tax will apply on prices in US Dollars. Ask for current Tax Rate.
Terms and Conditions for Domain Registration (Click Here)
Type of Domain Names :
gTLD: Generic Top-Level Domain
These are the most common and widely sought-after domain names. They have generic descriptors and are not tied to any specific country, gTLDs indicate neutrality. Websites with gTLDs are not location-specific. gTLDs are domain extensions that do not rely on a country code, “.com” and “.net” domains are great examples of gTLDs.
gTLD Generic Top-Level Domain is the general term for a domain extension. It’s the part that comes next to the name. For example, in the domain name google.com, “.com” is the generic top-level domain.
Various gTLDs (generic top-level domains) are available, but “.com” domains remain the most popular, with over 47% of all sites using them. While it’s commonly used for commercial businesses, other projects can utilize the “.com” gTLD to improve website credibility. Another great advantage of popular extensions is that they can drive high organic traffic, as users often write them by default.
Here are other popular gTLD choices: .net Domain, .biz Domain and .org Domain.
The “.net” domain: Businesses working in the networking landscape can choose this gTLD. It’s a great alternative to .com.
The “.biz” domain: Another .com alternative. It’s a good choice for a business domain name.
The “.org” domain: It’s typically used for non-profit organizations.
ccTLD: Country-Code Top-Level Domain
ccTLDs (country-code top-level domains) are extensions specific to a particular country or territory. These domain names end with a two-character country code based on the international country codes.
To illustrate, sites from Pakistan may use .pk as their domain extensions, whereas .us is usually registered for US-based websites.
Here are other examples of ccTLDs: .se – Sweden, .uk – United Kingdom, .de – Germany, .it – Italy and many more.
A ccTLD suits companies, organizations, or entities operating in a specific country. Global companies can also use ccTLDs to differentiate localized content across different regions. For instance, the BBC uses bbc.co.uk as their UK domain and bbc.com for the international audience.
Second-Level Domain
A second-level domain (SLD) is below TLDs in the domain name hierarchy. SLD is the section of a domain name located to the left of the last dot.
Some domain name registries use a second-level domain to indicate the specific entity that is registered. For example, educational institutions in the Pakistan mostly register websites under .edu.pk, and commercial companies in Pakistan use .com.pk domain names.
A subdomain specifies a separate division from a parent domain within the same servers. Therefore, you don’t need to register a subdomain if you already own the domain.
A subdomain may also be called a hostname. The www part in most URLs is technically a subdomain, suggesting that a website is part of the World Wide Web (WWW). However, some websites have an additional subdomain besides the hostname.
A common reason to create subdomains is to organize web content into separate sections. For example, Google uses developers.google.com to provide information specifically for developers.
A subdomain is also useful for localization. Take Wikipedia, for example. It has a subdomain for different languages – en.wikipedia.org for the English version and de.wikipedia.org for the German one.
For a business website, here are popular subdomain examples:
blog.yourwebsite.com – for your business’s blog, which may cover company updates and customer stories.
news.yourwebsite.com – for the company’s latest news.
resources.yourwebsite.com – for case studies, white papers, or eBooks.
support.yourwebsite.com – for documentation, FAQs, and contact information.
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Copyright Blue Apple Systems
Blue Apple Systems is an IT Company which provides web site related services, situated in Lahore Pakistan